HDPY Management

Hindhu Dharma Paripalana Yogam(HDPY), a local charitable trust of 165 members established the B Ed Training College. It is managed by a committee of 21 elected members from the trust. Late Sri V.K Chandrabose was the founder manager of the college.

HDPY Trust - Office bearers

Sri V.K Chandra Bose
Founder Manager, HDPY Training College

Sri M M Thampi
Manager, HDPY Institutions

P.T Santhosh Kumar
President, HDPY

T.G Karunakara Menon
Vice President, HDPY

M.S Milton
Treasurer, HDPY

A.D Dileep kumar
Board Member, HDPY

K.K Vinodhan
Board Member, HDPY

M.S Radhakrishnan
Board Member, HDPY